General Articles

The Benefits of Asphalt Paving

Asphalt, otherwise known as blacktop by the layman and bitumen by the professional is far less expensive than concrete. Therefore, it is often the preferred method of paving the driveway of a home, large public and private parking spaces, airports and highways. The best resource for those considering paving a driveway or parking lot is an asphalt paving sarasota fl expert.
Content of Asphalt
Mastic Asphalt is composed of 7-10% asphalt and the remaining 90-93% is concrete. This product is often used to waterproof flat roofs and to seal underground tanks. Asphalt Concrete has a lesser asphalt content of around 5% and is what’s primarily used for road paving.
The content of the black sticky substance found in asphalt is found in the following: Naphthene aromatics (naphthalene)are made up of partially hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic compounds. Polar aromatics are made up of high molecular weight phenols and carboxylic acids created by …

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