Residential homes out in the rural areas do not have excess to centralized sewer systems. They depend on wastewater treatment structures that are underground. The wastewater is treated by technology and nature. The plumbing in the home used by the bathrooms, laundry and kitchen drains all connect to a septic tank. The system is made up of a tank and an absorption field or a drain field.
Liquids and solids are separated. The liquids, including oils and grease, along with the wastewater is sent down perforated pipes to the leaching fields and released into the soil. The solids are directed down to the underground tank where chemicals treat the solids.
Additives to Septic Tanks
Manufacturers have promoted many kinds of additives for use in the home or business. They are supposed to reduce the buildup of odors and sludge in the tank. Very little has been proven that they do …